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Reasonable compensation program We adopt a reasonable compensation program to boost the morale of our members.
  • Annual Salary / IB
    • Annual salary: Basic salary + fixed OT + appraisal bonus
    • IB: Profit share + target incentive (application of performance differentials)
  • Various Allowances
    • On-site allowance: On-site pay for on-site workers
    • Overseas allowance: Differential pay for overseas employees (PJT)
    • Qualification allowance: Exclusive allowance for certificate holders (allowance amount varies according to type of qualification)
  • Long Service Award
    • Distribution of rewards for every 10 years of continuous service (prize money, plaque, vacation)
Optimized working environment We maximize work efficiency through optimized facilities and working systems that offer our members convenience.
  • Autonomous seating arrangement
    • Autonomous seating arrangement to promote collaboration and equality among employees
  • Autonomous work schedule
    • 8-hour workday, flexible hours from 7:00 to 19:00
  • In-house cafeteria
    • Free lunch, 50% subsidy for breakfast/dinner
  • Simple breakfast
    • Free sandwiches and salads, etc.
  • Canteen
    • Free drinks and dairy products provided in the canteen on each floor
  • Resting area for female employees
    • A nursing room and lounge for female employees
  • SK Happy Express
    • SK Group employee shuttle service (22 routes to Seoul)
  • On-site accommodation
    • Accommodation for on-site workers
  • Free parking at the office
    • Free parking on the weekends at the offices of SK member companies nationwide
Various leave schemes We run a variety of leave schemes, including summer vacation and leave for new posting, etc.
  • Summer Vacation
    • In addition to individual annual leave, 3 days of paid leave during the summer vacation season (June to August)
  • Rest & Refresh Leave
    • 10 days of special leave for long-service employees
  • Regular / Posting / Returning leave for overseas employees
    • Regular leave: 12 days leave every 4 months
    • New posting / returning from overseas: Leave for overseas assignment preparation / rest leave after returning from overseas
Comprehensive health screening / insurance We provide health care services and insurance to help our employees maintain a healthy body and mind.
  • Health screenings
    • Annual health screening (screening for spouse is provided every other year)
  • In-house fitness center
    • In-house fitness center for employee health management
  • Mindfulness training
    • Assistance for programs such as Pilates, yoga, and posture correction & stretching at Happy Wings Training Center
  • In-house dental services
    • In-house dental services for employees and their families
  • Group accident insurance
    • Accident insurance for unforeseen accidents or diseases
  • Dental insurance
    • Dental care (conservation / prosthodontics, etc.)
Mandatory support We offer congratulatory and condolence-related money, manpower and leave, and also support family life through childcare assistance and leave.
  • Congratulatory and condolence leave
    • Congratulatory and condolence-related money, leave, flowers/wreaths or funeral assistants for family events such as marriage, childbirth, 60th / 70th birthday celebration, and funeral, etc.
  • Parental leave
    • Parental leave for raising children aged 8 or younger (2 years per child)
  • Parental leave in half-days
    • Half-day leave for childcare
  • In-house daycare
    • In-house daycare center for childcare (Mon-Fri: 07:30 to 20:00)
  • Family care leave
    • Leave of absence when leave is needed to care for grandparents, parents, spouses, and (grand) children, etc. due to illness, accidents, or old age
  • Commuting allowance
    • Transport allowance for on-site workers in Korea to return home
Various livelihood assistance We run various programs to enhance employee welfare and help employees achieve stability in life.
  • Optional employee benefits
    • 1.5 million annual welfare points for employees
  • Eco-friendly agricultural products
    • 50% off retail price of eco-friendly agricultural products
  • SK Family Card
    • SK Family card for SK employees (annual fee subsidy)
  • Child tuition
    • Tuition & financial aid for employees’ children (middle school, high school, university)
  • Happy Umbrella Loan
    • Financial assistance to help employees gain stability in life (up to 50 million won per person / for employees who have been with the company for more than 2 years)
  • Telecommunication bills
    • Mobile phone bill allowance